Welcome – Visitor

We are pleased you stopped by to visit our website.  Hamfesters is an active ham radio club serving the far south side of Chicago and surrounding suburbs.  

  CONTACT US: President, Nora Pointer, KC9MLV

meeting conversations
Hams busy talking – surprise!    We have regular monthly meetings with programs sure to interest you.  An important part of the club is to be a source of help and mentoring for new amateur radio operators. We invite you to join us for a meeting.  Be sure to make yourself known and ask around for any help you may need.

In addition, we sponsor exciting events such as Field Day in late June and our annual Hamfest in early August.   In December we celebrate the end of a ham radio season at our Annual Christmas dinner held at a local restaurant.

We meet at locations on the far southwest side of Chicago.  Currently, the meetings are held at Southbridge Church in Orland Park, IL  Check the web page for the location of the upcoming meeting location

Go to our Club Information page for details of our activities. You will also find our club Membership Application form.

If you wish to join our club we now feature an online application found on the Club Information page. Annual dues are $20.00 payable on January 1 of the year.  Most like to pay in October and November to renew for the upcoming year. 

For any questions please contact our Club President, Nora Pointer (),or
Bob McDonald, N9WDV,  Membership Chairman ().  

meeting snacks
Every meeting features a break with snacks

Reference Material for Prospective Hams