Dave Laveck, W0COP, Passed June 25, 2019

Bob Seonia, AK9Y, Passed Apr 15, 2019
Bob was a long time Hamfesters club member. He was past president of Hamfesters and treasurer for years. Of late Bob was active with the 6 Meter Club and he was a very active VE and the Wednesday net control for the Grumpy net.

Bob Richter, K9RDR, Passed March 3, 2019
Bob was editor for the W9AA Hamgab, ran our raffles for meetings and the Hamfest.

Kelly Harris, KB9ZRM, Passed Nov 6, 2017
Kelly was the Net Control for the Monday night Nite Patrol on the W9AA Argonne repeater.

Robert V Haas, WA9BXI, Passed Sept 2, 2017
Robert was a Hamfester’s member for many years.

Pat Shalloo, KB9KRT, Passed August 20, 2017

Dorothy Truhlar, N9ALC Passed April 27, 2017
Dorothy was active in publishing the Hamgab for many years.

Jimmy Liston, N9HSH Passed Dec 3, 2016
Jimmy was an active ham since 1966 and only owned ICOM radios. Jimmy was a retired Chicago Police Officer. Jimmy was also had his private pilot’s license.
You can see Jimmy’s awesome shack below on QRZ!
Link to Jimmy’s QRZ page
Bruno Marusarz, K9QKB Passed October 19, 2016
He was a past member of Hamfesters.
John Wegge “Jack” Nienhaus, W9NJB
He was a past member of Hamfesters.

Bob Maloney, W9TOE
Robert Koran, N9JYX, Passed Aug 14, 2016
Past President of Hamfester’s Radio Club.
Kerry Nelson, AA9SB, passed February 22, 2016.
Kerry held a few positions in the Hamfester’s club.
Kerry was the Hamfest coordinator from 2007 to 2014, publicity chair, and also a past president.
He won the “Hamfester of the Year” award for 2005 or 2006.

Ray Ludwig, N9FPQ, 91, passed January 2, 2015.
Ray was Hamfesters’ Secretary in 1989.
He was also a nightly check in the first slot on the nite patrol W9ANL Arrgonne repeater 2 meters, 145.1900.
Frank Gassmere, K9BWQ, 73, Passed June 16, 2014

Anthony “Bob” Truhlar Jr, W9LNQ, 93, Passed June 10, 2014
Bob had been a Hamfester for many many years. He also was excellent CW operator and an avid DXer running near the top of the DXCC list.

Mike Serapin, W9MCS, 58, Passed April 5, 2014
Mike was an Amateur Radio operator since the early 70s holding and Amateur Extra class license. He has been a member of Hamfesters Radio Club since the Marquette Park Field House days and Board member for the past 7 years. Mike also held a 1st class commercial license.
Mike worked his way through school as Captain on the Wendella Sight Seeing Boats. After graduating from Moraine Valley Community College, Mike went to work at Andrew Corp. where he became friends with Ed Andrew. Most recently Mike was assistant Lock Master at the O’Brian Lock and Damn working for the Army Corp. of Engineers.
Mike was also very active with the Masons, Past Master of his Lodge, three time Commander of a Knights Templar Commandary, Shriner, Holder of the York Rite Purple Cross, 32 degree Scottish Rite Member, Member of the Royal Order of Scotland, Eastern Star, White Shrine, Grotto and Tall Cedars.

Joseph Kratky, KA9KBU, 58, Passed 2013
Joe had been a member of Hamfesters for many years and was a great asset to us at all meetings and field day events as well as past treasurer of Hamfesters.

Roger Borowski, K9RB, 64 Passed Nov 18, 2013
As an Amateur Radio operator (K9RB) for over fifty years, Roger had contacted and made friends with hams in over 325 countries.

Edward Andrew, KB9KV, 77, Passed March 8, 2013
Former Chairman of Andrew Corporation, President and Director Emeritus of The Andrew Family Foundation, Trustee Emeritus of The College of Wooster, Director of the Dingman’s Choice & Delaware Bridge Company and former Director of the Aileen S. Andrew Foundation and TEN-TEC.

Matt Sobczak, K9MS, Passed 2013

DAVID ALM, WG9J, 69, Passed 2011

Eugene T. Ciprian, WB9NAR, Passed 2009
Walter Zyck, W9MYY 91, Passed Apr. 23, 2009
Ron Kaiser, K9RCN, 47, Passed 2008
Ralph Zimmer, N9KYM, 2007?
Emil Balzano, N9VKP, 68, Passed 2007
Christine Mack, K9RFY July 8th, 2006

Walt Gesell, WD9DYR/N9WG 80, Passed Dec, 6, 2005

Bob Pazanin, WD9FEN, 80, Passed Jan 4, 2005

Thomas Smith, WE9F, 65, Passed Dec 29, 2005

Robert E. Hotz, W9CA, Passed Nov, 7, 2001
Bob was a former past president serving in the past ’70s and WWII vet.
Phil Brankin, K9UAA/K9PB, 68, Passed Jul, 13, 2000
Supreme Governor of the Loyal Order of Moose in 1995-96. The Supreme Governor is the highest elected position within the Fraternity.

Angelo C. Mascio, AF9N, Passed Nov, 1, 1998
Longtime member from the early days of the club into the 70’s. WWII vet, US Navy.
William Buchner, K9TCA

Leon Davis, WN9GUC
David Schmidt, K9FGB

William Twohig Sr, W9MJZ
Thank You to the MetroDX club for providing many of the photos show here.
If you would like to submit some info reguarding a W9AA silent key, please email Gene at