Christmas Party 12/1/2023

Doors open at 6 pm

Garden Chalet
11000 S. Ridgeland
Worth, IL

  It’s that time of year again. Hamfesters Christmas party tickets went on sale at the October meeting and they’re going fast. We’ve sold almost three so far. Your next (and last) chance to buy them in person will be at the November meeting. If you can’t wait that long or will not be able to make the meeting, you can order via the club’s website.

   As in years past, the party will be on our regular December meeting night but will be at Garden Chalet, 11000 S. Ridgeland in Worth. The date is December 1 and doors open at 6 pm.

   Tickets are $25 each and include an excellent family-style meal, good fellowship, and a lot of fun. Be sure to see me at the meeting.

Change Qty in the Paypal Cart

November Meeting

November 3rd @ 7:30 pm

Location: SouthBridge Church
15500 73rd Ave
Orland Park, IL 60462

  • Program: Steve Cooper Orchestra

Mr. Cooper has been heavily involved with musical performance, musical collecting and the promotion and preservation of our musical history for more than 45 years. They will be performing music spanning many genres of band and orchestral music.

Meeting: 10/6/2023

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: SouthBridge Church
15500 73rd Ave
Orland Park, IL 60462

1)  Hamfesters will be taking nominations for board members and officers at our next meeting on October 6. If you would like to help the club in any of these positions, please consider throwing your hat in the ring that night. The election will be at the November meeting. 

2)  October’s meeting will feature Don Pointer KC9EQQ who will be talking about ham radio’s part in World War II. Specifically, he’ll be discussing the Australian “coastwatchers” and how they helped defeat the Japanese. 

Meeting: 9/1/2023

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: SouthBridge Church
15500 73rd Ave
Orland Park, IL 60462

What is DMR?

What are the differences between Analog and Digital transmissions?
What brands of DMR Radio are there and which one is better?
What is the proper way to Program a New DMR Radio?
Do I need a special Antenna for DMR?
What are DMR networks?
How does a DMR repeater Work?
What are Hotspots and what can I do with them?

Attend the September Hamfesters meeting to gain knowledge on this topic.

Presented by Al Bukowski, N9ZD